Alice Belknap (about 1450-unknown): married Henry Finche (about 1445-1494)
Gathered here is the most comprehensive public repository of materials on the Finche family into which a branch of the Belknap family married.
Click on the links below to access biographical and historical information about this family:
Date(s) Item/Image Link
Visitation Records
Philipot, John. The Visitation of Kent, Taken in the Years 1619-1621, London, 1898: Finch page 67 http://www.belnapfamily.org/Kent_Visitation_p067.jpg  
page 68 http://www.belnapfamily.org/Kent_Visitation_p068.jpg  
The Visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552; Hervey, 1558; Cooke, 1570; Raven, 1612; and Owen and Lilly, 1634. To Which are Added Miscellaneous Essex Pedigrees from Various Harleian Manuscripts: and an Appendix Containing Berry's Essex Pedigrees, part __, pp. __ [TO COME]  
Henry Finche (spouse)
PCC, Vox, 11, (Arch Cant, v. XIII, pp. 326-2)
Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem
IPM, Chancery, 17 Edward IV, no. 32
Printed Genealogies
Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 1934, "Winchilsea and Nottingham"
Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 1934, "Aylesford"
Brydges, Egerton, Sir. "Finch, Earl of Winchelsea and Nottingham." Collins's Peerage of England; Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, vol. III, pp. 371-406 1812 http://www.belnapfamily.org/Collins_Peerage_of_England_v3.pdf  
Howard, Joseph Jackson, ed. Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, vol. 2 (1876), pp. 324-37: "Finch Genealogy" http://www.belnapfamily.org/Miscellanea_Genealogica_et_Heraldica_v2_(1876)_p324-337.pdf  
Camden, William. Britannia (1607), with an English translation by Philemon Holland: "Cantium" (par. 20) http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/cambrit/kenteng.html  
Greenstreet, James. "Wills and Other Records Relating to the Family of Finch." Archaeologia Cantiana, vol. 13 (1880), pp. 321-48
Web Links
Stirnet: Finch http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/ff/finch1.htm  
Tudor Place: Finch http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/FINCH.htm  
Wikipedia: Earl of Winchilsea (Winchelsea) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_of_Winchilsea  
Philip Belknap (about 1426-1457)
Photographs and Images
Finche Family
Last update: 15 Jul 2011
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